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Which hearing aid style is best for you?


Hear better in the style that suits you

It can be difficult to decide which hearing aid style is right. Because each person’s hearing loss is different, Philips HearLink premium hearing aids come in many different styles, models, and colors to match skin tones, needs, and preferences.

On this page, you can learn more about the different styles and maybe come one step further in your journey towards choosing the right hearing aids for you.

User reviews

How it feels to wear Philips HearLink hearing aids

Being able to hear makes it easier to communicate and contribute to conversations with our loved ones, enjoy small talk with neighbors, and spend time with friends. Each of these kinds of social interactions can be enriching and make us feel more included in our communities and content with our lives.

Older man in his living room talking about the benefits of wearing Philips Hearlink hearing aids

The technological features of the hearing aids

For people with hearing loss, the biggest difficulty of all is to communicate in noisy places. While most hearing aids can provide decent support in quiet places, it takes the most sophisticated technology to provide efficient support in noise.

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    & behind-the-ear styles

    RITE hearing aids fit behind the ear with a speaker that inserts into the ear canal. BTE hearing aids fit behind the ear with an earpiece that fits into the ear canal. They are still small but come slightly bigger so they can accommodate a range of additional technological features such as connectivity to mobile phones, special settings for music and more.

  • Philips HearLink in-the-canal in-the-ear hearing aid (ITC)

    In-the-ear styles

    These styles are very small and fit in the ear canal. They improve hearing, but have fewer extra technological perks.

Man sitting on a couch checking his hearing with the online hearing test

Do you need hearing aids? Check your hearing!

Have you noticed that your hearing has changed? Maybe you find that people mumble or that you need to turn up the volume on the TV more than before? These can be signs of hearing loss.

Our online hearing test can give you an indication of whether you should visit a hearing care specialist for further testing and guidance on hearing aids.

A woman taking a hearing test at a hearing care clinic. An audiologist or hearing care specialist is conducting the test.

Contact a hearing care specialist near you

If you need to find a local hearing care specialist, you can use our hearing center locator tool.

A hearing care specialist can help you with testing, advice, fitting and provide you with the Philips HearLink hearing aids that match your needs and preferences.

The hearing care specialist can also help you if you need support after purchasing your hearing aids.